Nail Care
5 Steps to the Perfect Manicure
Want to get that salon-perfect mani at home? We get it - sometimes you don't always have the time to pop into your salon to get your tips touched up.

While we would never trade our #SalonSaturday for the world, we do understand that sometimes a girl's just gotta DIY! Follow these steps from OPI Pros to make sure your manicure is on point, every time:

1. Perfection starts with prep.
2. Clean up those cuticles. Use a cuticle softener like Avoplex Exfoliating Cuticle Treatment and push those cuticles back! If you wish (and you have a very steady hand), you can use a cuticle nipper to remove any overgrown cuticles.
3. Shape 'em up. To remove serious length, cut your nails down with a sharp pair of nail clippers. Most likely however, you will be keeping your length and just shaping your tips with a clean nail file.
Pro Tip: Filing your nails in one direction will help prevent breaks!
4. Give them a good buff. Buff the surface of each nail with a buffing block to give yourself a smooth surface.

5. Prep and protect.
Pro Tip: You can continue to apply Nail Envy over your Top Coat every other day for the lifespan of your manicure to continue to strengthen your nails