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Dipping Powder

Pink in Bio

A light pink crème dipping powder that drives all traffic to you.

Product form
Me, Myself, and OPI: Pink in Bio


Dipping PowderPink in Bio

Sometimes you just click with a color and it shows. Meet that color. This light pink crème dipping powder is the missing link to your world domination. No 404 messages here, just You’ll app-solutely love all the other digitized, traffic-driving shades from our #MeMyselfandOPI collection.

Sometimes you just click with a color and it shows. Meet that color. This light pink crème dipping powder is the missing link to your world domination. No 404 messages here, just You’ll app-solutely love all the other digitized, traffic-driving shades from our #MeMyselfandOPI collection.

Recommended essentials

Need any of these?
Powder Perfection- Step 1 Base Coat

Resin base coat for optimal adhesion

Powder Perfection - Step 2 Activator

Accelerates curing of base coat and initiates reaction with top coat

Powder Perfection - Step 3 Top Coat

Final step that seals in color