e-Flower Power
Treat yourself to a digital bouquet via this floral colour-blocking nail art. Use the latest spring shades from the Me, Myself, & OPI collection to get this trending nail art look.
Step by Step
Step 1
Apply one coat of GelColor Stay Strong or Stay Classic Base Coat and cure for 30 seconds in the OPI LED Light.
Step 2
Apply a swoosh of GelColor Spring Break the Internet starting at the cuticle line and ending near the tip of the nail. Flash cure for 5 seconds in the OPI LED Light.
Step 3
Apply a swoosh of GelColor I Sold My Crypto below the first swoosh, covering the rest of the nail. Cure for 30 seconds in the OPI LED Light. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for coverage.
Step 4
Using a detail brush apply a swoosh of GelColor I Meta My Soulmate where the two colours meet, widening the swoosh as it reaches the tip of the nail. Cure for 30 seconds in the OPI LED Light. Repeat for coverage.
Pro Tip: For crisp lines remove the gel residue with N.A.S. 99 Cleansing Solution before applying linework.
Step 5
Using a dotting tool and GelColor Silicon Valley Girl apply five dots of colour in a circle creating a flower. Flash cure for 5 seconds in the OPI LED Light.
Step 6
Using a dotting tool and GelColor Blinded by the Ring Light apply a dot to the centre of the flower. Cure for 30 seconds in the OPI LED Light.
Step 7
Apply a coat of GelColor Stay Shiny Top Coat. Cure for 30 seconds in the OPI LED Light. Cleanse with N.A.S. 99 Cleansing Solution and an Expert Touch Nail Wipe. Apply ProSpa Nail & Cuticle Oil to each nail and massage in.
Video Tutorial

Me, Myself, and OPI Nail Art

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