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Diversion is the sale of professional products outside of professional beauty channels. OPI has invested millions of dollars to ensure that our OPI brand professional-use products are used only under the supervision of trained professionals.

OPI retail products are intended for sale in professional beauty (salon) and other authorized channels. Products sold outside these channels are improperly obtained and in violation of our agreements and commitments to distributors and salons. Diverted products may not be current, may be improperly and illegally labeled, of inferior quality, or may even be fake or counterfeit. OPI only guarantees products sold through authorized channels.

Our efforts to fight diversion include:

  • Agreements with distributors that prohibit the sale of OPI brand products outside authorized channels

  • Coding systems to help trace diverted product

  • Pursuing leads that we receive about the unauthorized sale of OPI products

  • Supporting industry-wide anti-diversion efforts

  • A program to track down and take legal and other action against diverters, including the use of private investigators and lawyers

  • Dedicated staff with a toll-free number and email address to record and follow up on diversion reports

We need your help!

Should you become aware of what you believe to be diverted OPI brand product, please email Provide your name, the name and address of the store in which you saw the product in question, and the products in stock. Thank you in advance for your help in this effort.

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