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Pro Spotlight

OPI Pro Spotlight: @angelmys0ul

This Pride Month, we’re spotlighting queer nail artist and all-around angel @angelmys0ul (they/them)! 

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As a gender-affirming nail pro, they discuss the importance of self-expression and pride in the LGBTQIA+ nail community. Read on to learn about their experience working on OPI’s summer My Me Era collection, their go-to nail techniques, and how their heart guides their work.

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OPI: You were featured in our Summer '24 collection, My Me Era! What was the experience like, and what did you take from it?

Angel: Being featured in OPI’s My Me Era collection was a blessing. It’s actually a funny story- I thought I was going to be doing nails on set and didn’t know I would be modeling! So modeling was a new experience for me and I really enjoyed it. I took away some really sweet new connections with the OPI team and other creatives who worked on the shoot.

OPI: You have such stunning nail art and beautiful artistic choices! How do you come up with these designs?

Angel: Thank you so much, I really appreciate that. A lot of the time with my designs, I’ll have some inspirational photos or ideas and then I freestyle in the moment. It’s my favorite way to work, guided by my intuition and angels. My Instagram handle is @angelmys0ul in part because I believe my angels guide my artwork - I’ve lost some very important people in my life the last few years and nail art allows me to express connection with them in beautiful ways.


OPI: Do you have a go-to look when your client gives you the option to do any kind of nail art?

Angel: When clients give me creative freedom I usually like to do really detailed line work, often inspired by some random idea I’ve had on my mind. Sometimes the most unsuspecting things make the coolest concepts - some items that have inspired my freestyle sets include plates, ceilings, gates, and ceramic tiles.

OPI: What techniques do you use most often, and what do you love about them?

Angel: I’m obsessed with 3D sculpting - texture really brings nails to life and it’s satisfying to finally sculpt something I’ve been working to perfect for a while. Chrome has always been a staple of mine, there’s so much you can do with it and it’s stunning on its own or layered on color.


OPI: If you could do anything in the next few years of your career, what would it be and why?

Angel: My favorite part about doing nails is connecting with my trans/queer community, hearing their stories, and being there for each other during and outside of appointments. In the next few years, I’d love to continue having the most amazing clientele and enjoy each day creating sets with them.

OPI: Is there a shade from the new Summer '24 collection that speaks to you most?

Angel: Feelin’ Fire! I’ve been loving orange so much and it’s the perfect shade.



OPI: What is the best advice you were given when you were younger that helped shape your career today?

Angel: The best advice I was given is to live in the present moment and follow your passions. My career as a creative doing so many different things led me to do nails. I’m very introspective and listening to my heart on what forms of art I’m excited about creating is very important - I can’t force myself to do anything that I’m not truly passionate about.

OPI: How have nails and the LGBTQIA+ community within the nail industry empowered you?

Angel: Nails have empowered me as a form of expression, both in wearing my nail art and creating sets for other people. The queer community within the nail industry constantly empowers me - there are so many nail artists who are my peers who I’m inspired by, and it’s such a supportive community. One person’s win is everyone’s win.


OPI: How do you like to show your pride, and how do your nails and career come into play when expressing yourself

Angel: I like to show my pride by living very openly in my fluidity and queerness. When I do my own nails I never have a plan beforehand, so my nails reflect how I’m feeling during the time I wear them - it’s very meditative. Doing nails helps me express myself because each set is a bit of me and my heart while I’m creating them, combined with the energy and ideas of my client. It’s an amazing time to connect with myself. After appointments it’s satisfying to watch my tiny canvases leave me to interact with the world and transform as they’re worn by someone else. It’s truly a gift.

Be sure to follow Angel, AKA @angelmys0ul on Instagram!

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