Pro Spotlight
OPI Pro Spotlight: @angelmys0ul
This Pride Month, we’re spotlighting queer nail artist and all-around angel @angelmys0ul (they/them)!

As a gender-affirming nail pro, they discuss the importance of self-expression and pride in the LGBTQIA+ nail community. Read on to learn about their experience working on OPI’s summer My Me Era collection, their go-to nail techniques, and how their heart guides their work.

OPI: You were featured in our Summer '24 collection, My Me Era! What was the experience like, and what did you take from it?
OPI: You have such stunning nail art and beautiful artistic choices! How do you come up with these designs?
Angel: Thank you so much, I really appreciate that. A lot of the time with my designs, I’ll have some inspirational photos or ideas and then I freestyle in the moment. It’s my favorite way to work, guided by my intuition and angels. My Instagram handle is @angelmys0ul in part because I believe my angels guide my artwork - I’ve lost some very important people in my life the last few years and nail art allows me to express connection with them in beautiful ways.

OPI: Do you have a go-to look when your client gives you the option to do any kind of nail art?
OPI: What techniques do you use most often, and what do you love about them?
Angel: I’m obsessed with 3D sculpting - texture really brings nails to life and it’s satisfying to finally sculpt something I’ve been working to perfect for a while. Chrome has always been a staple of mine, there’s so much you can do with it and it’s stunning on its own or layered on color.

OPI: If you could do anything in the next few years of your career, what would it be and why?
OPI: Is there a shade from the new Summer '24 collection that speaks to you most?
Angel: Feelin’ Fire! I’ve been loving orange so much and it’s the perfect shade.

OPI: What is the best advice you were given when you were younger that helped shape your career today?
OPI: How have nails and the LGBTQIA+ community within the nail industry empowered you?
Angel: Nails have empowered me as a form of expression, both in wearing my nail art and creating sets for other people. The queer community within the nail industry constantly empowers me - there are so many nail artists who are my peers who I’m inspired by, and it’s such a supportive community. One person’s win is everyone’s win.

OPI: How do you like to show your pride, and how do your nails and career come into play when expressing yourself
Be sure to follow Angel, AKA @angelmys0ul on Instagram!